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An oak got talking with a reed one day: "you certainly have cause of nature to complain; why even a sparrow's weight for you is quite a strain. At even the slightest breeze that makes the ripples1 play, you quake as if you're touched with blight2; you bend and bow so desolate3, indeed you are a sorry sight."

"Now I, like Caucasus in all his pride and state 'Tis little that the rage of Phoebus I abate4; Laughing at hurricanes; beneath thunder's roar at ease, I stand as strong and straight, as though I bore a shield of peace inviolate5. For you each breath's a storm, for me the storm's a breeze. For you each breath's a storm, for me the storm's a breeze. If only you were growing somewhere close, then in the depths of shade that my broad boughs6 could lend you form stress of weather I could easily defend you.Alas7 that nature for your dwelling8 chose the banks of a Eolus, the stormy realm of air; No doubt, for such as you she found no time to care. 'You are full of charity,' the reed replied with scorn; 'But do not be distressed9! My lot can well be borne! If storms I fear, it is not for my sake."

"Though bend I must I shall not break; Tis little harm they do to me. Methinks, for you yourself more danger there may be Tis true that up till now, beneath the fiercest blast Your sturdy from stands firm and fast; from all its angry blows you face you never hide; but wait and see the end!"

And scarce the reed had thus replied when see, all sudden from the North. The boisterous10 aquilo with hail and rain broke forth11. The oak stood firm; the reed down to the earth must bend. On raged the storm still fiercer than before Till, roaring, from his root it tore, The tree that close to heaven his towering summit flaunted12 and in the realm of shade his sturdy foot had planted.





四年级英语童话故事:橡树和芦苇 [全文共1784字]


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